Saturday, May 30, 2009


Missi finds herself in La Canada at a hillside coffee shop, She takes a seat with a view and opens her laptop and orders a 'Tanzanian Peaberry'. They didn't have any 'Peaberry' today. She ordered a Mocha and enjoyed the tranquil setting.


Sotomayor will express herself as a Mayan-Christian and legalize graffiti as long as it blessed with holy water.

Obama is still fist bumping his wife with the classic knuckle bump, then measuring it with a vertical fist bump followed by a double tap overhand finishing with the exploding fist expression.

All text messaging will be blamed for teenage frailties.

If you are a Leo it is understood that racism by nature is born of ignorance, your claim this week that the Irish control the media will still seem particularly uneducated.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Missi calculations has put herself at a coffee shop on Washington in Marina Del Rey. It has outside seating's tabled with fresh flowers. The morning is bright and fresh when she asks if they have any 'Haitian Bleu'. Not expecting a yes and that is what she received, so she order a Moca and settled herself comfortably.


Hillary is sure she has an overactive responsibility gene.

Pelosi will have a press conference and announce that 9.11 was a deep dark mistake and it is wrong to torture these poor oil rich people who scared the hell out of her.

The Church of Scientology will product a robot called Tom Cruise....... the robot's motherboard crashes when the users tries to update software for age appropriate dress, hair and behavior.

There are now 53 reasons not to by Crocs.

Predictions are especially difficult if they are about the future......Yogi Berra

When Mozart stood before a piano, he said to have seen not a series of black and white keys, but rather an entire symphony. If you are a Pisces something similar can be said about you and an unconscious women.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Missi is at a cafe on Wilshire in West Hollywood. She asks if they have 'Brazilian Santos'.
The reply was 'no, but they might have it at McDonalds.'


The next Supreme Court appointee will be an Alpha Black Jewish Women who is Gay and will remind you of Jamie Foxx.

Obama was spotted in the back of a Chevy pickup on a back road in Alabama standing poised with his hands on his hips, head turned to the side slightly lifted wearing his cape flapping Captain Freedom suit.

Allen Spector will take his show on the road as a stand up comic to explain his conversion to the other side and it had nothing to do with Sarah Palin's romantic rejection.

If you are a Taurus, Mercury is in retrograde and you probably live in Milwaukee and psychoanalyze your friends and family have driven all Geminis into a singular bipolar schizophrenic bisexual diverse entity of wanting for a spontaneous bar fighting family circle moment.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.