Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Missi is in Long Beach on Broadway in a quaint coffee house with comfortable chairs and small tables. She finds a spot and gets comfortable opens up her laptop and senses a calm. She asks for a 'French Chicory' and settles for an espresso.


The economy is so bad that Hotwheels is trading higher than GM and Chrysler.

Sarah Palin will challenge Sen. Reid to a hockey game.

Elton John claims that Jesus was a gay man and will balance his truth that Hitler was also gay.

Tiger will be endorsed by an assortment of cleaning products and establish a National Day of Apology, although he still not sure he can give up his driver.

If you are a Gemini, your sign is ascending with your moon blocking the sun. You will have headphone sex with Acid Girls and Skull Juice and go looking for a room full of fireflies in Milwaukee. You'll find sexual compatibility with with a disharmonious Taurus.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Missi has charted her way to Arcadia on Sierra Madre Blvd. It's a coffee house with a library area , a laptop area and seating counter. She makes her way to the laptop area and becomes comfortable when she recognizes a long time ago friend.
M. Chrissy
C. Missi
M. What are you doing here, I thought you were off to Texas ... the Houston area.
C. Yes......Well ....what are you doing here.....
M. I came for some "Ethiopian Longberry".
C. What.......
M. No, Really what are doing here. Are you still with Phil.
C. Yes...

At that point Missi knew something was wrong.

M. What's wrong
C. What do you mean
M. There is something seriously wrong here

Chrissy became silent and there was a time that they were very close and trusted friends.

C. Phil isn't working anymore
M. He lost his job during all this economic mess.
C. It goes deeper than that. You know that he is a Structural Engineer.
M. I remember.
C. He was working on a project with a Biological Engineer and their findings were not accepted kindly by their superiors. He comes home one day and he never talks about his work mostly because I don't understand most of what he talks about. He says, 'They are trying to break prime rational numbers to destabilize structural core elements'.
M. What.....
C. A week later all that bank craziness happen and we have lost 90% of our savings, Phil's partner is gone and he has no idea where he is and the company isn't giving any information for Phil to contact him. A week later they make him a deal that permanently retires him, also all monies would be controlled by their banks so if he breaks the deal, we would have deeper financial problems .
M. Do you know what he was working on.
C. He wouldn't tell me , but what information I got from some of my friends and acquaintances before the fall was that he was working on a procedure called 'Hydraulic Fracturing'.
M. Never heard of it.
C. It is a very quiet situation.
M. So what do both of you do.
C. I own this place. I bought it from my personal Trust that I had and Phil comes and reads over at the library....... we have new friends ..... We are overall very comfortable. Phil was in here one day when he recognized one of the companies' workers, who is a off and on customer. He feels that they are watching.
There is this documentary just made exposing the problems of this drilling procedure called "Gasland". So we are watching to see what happens to it.