Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Missi is at a coffee house in Whittier on Greenleaf. She finds a corner and gets comfortable hoping for reason to have interest in what she was doing there. She asks for a ' Altura Coatpec' and the response was a facial expression of what are you saying and Missi reply is that she will have an ice coffee.


Vulcanologist are stating that melting ice sheets are taking great weight off the surface and is likely to free magna from the deep underground and that we can expect objects from future eruptions to resemble Al Gore.

Goldman Sachs and Friends will synthesize the debt to society by becoming part of Folsom City Blue Band with their opening song being 'Queerbucks'.

What part of illegal should be considered legal the 'gal', the 'ill' or the 'leg'.

Larry King will eat 21 lbs. of Pizza and only belch once and share the other 4 lbs. with a friend of his wife.

Toyota will open a new line of Hybrids called 'Mea Culpa'.

If you are a Leo your Sun is in Taurus and Moon at Libra. Meditation with your parrot will eliminate the staccato speed vibration in your system and you will lose anxiety of what herbicide, pesticide and artificial fertilizers treated your coffee.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Missi is finding herself on Riverside Dr. in a Toluca Lake coffee cafe. She is deeply confident that this session will have a sense to it, but she is never sure. She asks for a 'La Minta dark roast' and as usual her request is not fulfilled and she settles for a latte. She open her laptop and searches for evidence of a quiet life.


The T-Party will start throwing T-Bags into Boston Harbor for no new taxes. Sarah will campaign that 'She is not the One'. This is to secure her T-Bags don't go over the side.

Rahm Emanuel will show his great singularity with his order to the Cycle as an attentive aphorist to cover the fact that he is a menopausal stoner and Obama Zombie.

Israels are concerned that Obama's telepromting ventriloquism will cause an increase in Jack Boots.

If you are a Scorpio your Sun is in Leo and your house in in the Northern Hemisphere. You will feel as if you are on a Sacred Mountain with edible books and the Partridge Family's ' I Think I Love You' will resonate in your head. This should make Blonde Sense to you.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.