Sunday, June 20, 2010


Missi is on Colorado in Pasadena trying to get comfortable with her laptop, when she has a vision of being immaculate. She asks if they have 'Boquete' and settles for a milk.


Adm. Thad Allen who was once a Muppet on Sesame Street will be asked to run for President.

The Administration with full support of Congress will waterboard Tony Howard.

Joe Barton being a Brother of Oil [BOO] will come out and apologize for the behavior of Osama Bin Ladin.

BP finds that non-truths produce more energy than truth and a solution for the environmental conscious.

The Chevron sign will change to a symbol of Jonathon Livingston Seagull.

If you are a Sagittarius your Sun is in Gemini with an aggressive water chart. A dude with a tude will go to the Zoo to argue with smirking monkeys.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Missi has charted herself to Pico Blvd. in Santa Monica by a reading from Wall Street Journal and Vanity Fair. It a nice comfortable coffee house she sits and open her lap top and starts searching when the waitress comes over and Missi asks for a 'Jamaican Blue Mountain' with regrets she reorders an ice latte.


Bin Laden was issued an ticket from Acapulco to New Orleans 4.12.10 wearing a green and yellow jump suit.

Obama will spend 2 billion in research to see if giraffes can swim.

Funyuns are the big sellers at Hemp Festivals.

Senator Reid is taking voice lessons from Cyndi Lauper so he can sound like Trace Adkins.

Al Gore expressing his anger about the Gulf Oil Rig Explosion [Gore] to Tipper got a 'Soo...
It's just a little spilt oil.' for a reply and concluded that she is a Sister Of Oil [SOO].

Gorgeous George is a piece of Perk.