Thursday, December 30, 2010

KOFFEE KHAT 12.30.10

Missi is on Beverly in LA in a small cafe after readings from 'Nation' and 'Forbes'. She asks for a 'Longberry' and ends up with a Latte. She is searching the web when she comes upon news that Haiti may break out into Civil War.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.30.10

Advocates of the repeal of DADT now believe that dolphins are gay sharks.

The male gay community is having concerns about raising their intelligence to become Marines, having come to the conclusion that in this area penetration is lethal.

Mitch McConnel will find a way to a water park and look for the big slide and then look for Harry Reid to catch him at the end of the slide.

Sarah Palin is looking for a way to get Hillary in her back yard to ask her to 'redondicate'.

If you are a Leo your Moon is in Libra and Mercury is in Scorpio. You have the personality of a glasshouse mistress have a baby hippo for a pet and will hop a wagon to watch a muted Harry Potter movie.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Monday, December 13, 2010

KOFFEE KHAT 12.13.10

After readings from Pravada and Islam Republic Wire is seated in a coffee house on Rochester in LA comfortably searching the web, asks if they have "Toraja" and with a response of 'no', has some ice coffee.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.13.10

Cher had a nipple tuck and will vowel her life to Julian Assange and when he is free and will campaign for the decriminalization of all drugs.

Dick Cheney will go to jail in Nigeria and do hard labor with some of Obama's distant relatives and be transformed into a Voodoo Priest when released.

John Boehner theme song will be "Cry me a River" or Oprah's favorite 2Pac's " Hit Em UP".

If you are an Aries your Moon is in Pisces and your Sun in Libra. You will become a methadone pretty terminally unique fanatical apologist.

Gorgeous is a piece of perk.