Sunday, January 9, 2011


Missi is on Ocean Park in Santa Monica after readings from "The Jerusalem Post" and " The Asia Times" sits down in a comfortable space and asked if the have "Toraja" and with a decline settles for the house coffee. She opens her laptop and finds that Wyoming Dept. of Revenue is resending sales tax on guns because of increased animosity towards tax field agents.


Pelosi will leave as Speaker with a legacy of the perma grin and hand off the gavel to " Give me and excuse to Cry" Boehner.

Ted Williams got his wish to reincarnate but wasn't expecting to come back as a homeless black man whose throat goes deep.

HealthCare will dominate the rhetoric for the next two years without a conclusion causing Arlen Spector to come out of retirement.

"To Kill a Mockingbird and "Mein Kamp" will become required reading in Mexico's school system.

If you are a Taurus your Moon is at Pisces and Jupiter is in the 4th House causing you to Buzzflash into a Firedog and follow a General called Jesus and read Zen Comics.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.