Thursday, September 13, 2012


Missi is in West Covina on Glendora with her readings from Mother Jones and the Progressive Populist. She finds a nice space and unfolds her laptop only to discover that Africa has the shiniest fruit in the world and new species of monkeys found in the Congo that resembles Prince Charles. She asks for a "Kopi Sunda" and  is finally served a Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT   9.13.12

Romney has a new campaign song " Offshore is my Shore".

Paul Ryan will claim to be part Kenyan because of his marathon time and an ancestor to Obama's father. His campaign song will be "My Lie is your Lie' and then go on to claim a win in the Tour De France.

The new currency in the South will become Bacon.

Women will continue to look for ways to outspend what their husbands make.

If you are a Taurus, Leo is in the second House with a lunar mansion. Your will be looking for an emotional reincarnate of a radioactive chickenhead that will be in search of Cream of Elephant Soup.