Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Missi is in Old Town Pasadena in a off Colorado cafe with a Bohemian atmosphere. It has velvety sofas and centerpiece Hookahs. She sets up her laptop and becomes comfortable before the waitress comes over for an order.
" do you have 'Rwanda Karabas'?"
The waitress replied in a manner that words were not needed for a no.
Missi ordered the house espresso.


Big cheesy ass women will make a comeback and find representation in fast food commercials.

Obama and Biden took their annual AIDS test together.

The National Knife Association lost again.

Dennis Kucinich will run for President again and offer free Pilot Licenses to illegal aliens.

If you are an Aries you will go to church sit in the back row and start singing a medley of Elvis songs starting with 'Hard Headed Women'.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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