Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Missi and Travis are sharing some appetizers and wine at a bistro on Santa Monica Blvd. in Beverly Hills.

T. 'How was your day.'
M. 'I have a client who think he's spirited by Michelangelo.'
T. 'Have you seen his work.'
M. 'Well... he can't draw or sculpture or paint ... absolutely no artistic skills at all.'
T. 'I don't get it.
M. 'He dreams of him all the time... a dream in Florence where he is walking with him back and forth across bridges. Michelangelo is scared that his work is going to be destroyed by the darkness.'
T. ' The darkness.'
M. 'He believes that the darkness is coming and that it will take away the beliefs of his work.'
T. 'Does he know what the darkness is going to do.'
M. ' My client believes that the darkness is an order that does not believe in the creation of Adam.
T. ' What do you skills feel.'
M. 'I feel that the darkness is very real to him and it's not a statement of enlightenment or renaissance in fact the opposite..........It makes me nervous to think about.
T. 'Darkness can be a renaissance.'
M. 'To some.'
T. ' Let me work on this and I'll get back with you.'

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