Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Missi has searched her way to Marina Del Rey on Washington. There is allot of street action and the busy feeling is surrounding her. She moves inside for a sense of solitude only to be more activated. She asks for an 'Alto Grande' and receives a blank stare and settles for an ice coffee.


Al Franken is still doing the math on how two people from different cultures could be watching the same program at the same time. Where do wise man come from.

Is Sarah Palin coherence challenge.

Pelosi was found on a conveyor belt of Twinkies Twittering as the Laughing Liberal.

Bernanke sees the light at the end of the tunnel, then realizes that he is in a house of mirrors and he is the one holding the flash light.

Obama will go into the state of stasis over who to appoint to the Death Panel.

If you an Aries your moon is in Scorpio, your sun in Virgo and your House is on roller blades swishing thru concrete parking bumpers and you will be attracted to a thirty year old thumb sucker.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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