Friday, January 8, 2010


Missi is at a coffee house in San Pedro on 6th . It's a clear day and sunny morning when she asks the waitress if she has a 'Honduras Organic'. The waitress recognized the organic and the Honduras but not together. Missi ordered a Latte.


Palin is going to release a brand line called ' Moose Musk'.

Negotiation broke down between the Pier 39 Sea Lions and the San Francisco Chamber Of Commerce.

Terrorist New Year resolution is not to carry flammable explosive in their underwear because if successful there will be no willie to please all those virgins.

Obamacare will soon take it's medicine although it still not sure what the medicine is.

Pelosi will patent a speech technique of being able to show your teeth and speak at the same time.

If you are Taurus you will become fractured and shattered from a self indulgent subscription to Rosie O'Donnell. Go to a bar and order sugarcut pink milk and ask whatever happen to Bach.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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