Monday, July 26, 2010


Missi is in this little coffee shop in Inglewood on La Brea searching her laptop for any disinformation. She becomes settled before she orders a ' Tarrazu ' without any positive response she orders the house blend.


The NAACP has accused the T-Party of racism with the foundation that they have the patent for racist organization.

Dick Cheney will write a book 'The Cheney Doctrine' that will explain with scientific evidence that species can adapt and evolve with Oil spills.

Sarah Palin will play an Islamic woman named 'Katherine' in an adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Taming of the Shrew'.

Charley Rangel will pose nude for Vanity Fair and it will be in 3-D.

If you are a Leo your Moon is in Capricorn and your house is in Retrograde and you will find compatibility with a sarcastic sex toy.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Missi has charted herself from readings of National Geographics and PC World. So she is sitting in a coffee house in Los Angeles on Sunset. She is hot and uncomfortable and the idea of coffee is not really what she wants but still asks if they have a "Dark Malibar". She settles for an Ice Tea and starts searching the web.


The Hamptons will be turned over to some Indian Tribe ...who is holding now.

Tarzan was really a black man as was Babe Ruth.

Obama will try out his new swim stroke on his next visit to the Gulf.

A wax representation of Dick Cheney will be on exhibit at the George W. Bush Library. He will be dressed in Harley-Davidson leathers standing in a water bucket with a spear in one hand and a net in the other.

If you are a Leo your Moon is void and Mercury has ingressed. Your will become intoxicated by balloon juice and want to be addressed as Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, then request membership to the Axis of Logic to become a Juke Box Hero.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.