Monday, July 26, 2010


Missi is in this little coffee shop in Inglewood on La Brea searching her laptop for any disinformation. She becomes settled before she orders a ' Tarrazu ' without any positive response she orders the house blend.


The NAACP has accused the T-Party of racism with the foundation that they have the patent for racist organization.

Dick Cheney will write a book 'The Cheney Doctrine' that will explain with scientific evidence that species can adapt and evolve with Oil spills.

Sarah Palin will play an Islamic woman named 'Katherine' in an adaptation of Shakespeare's 'Taming of the Shrew'.

Charley Rangel will pose nude for Vanity Fair and it will be in 3-D.

If you are a Leo your Moon is in Capricorn and your house is in Retrograde and you will find compatibility with a sarcastic sex toy.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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