Monday, August 23, 2010


From readings of WOWOWOW and Village Voice is now in downtown L.A. around 4th and Main. She asks for a 'Pacamara' and settles with a house brew with a shot of tequila thinking this would settle her frenzied feelings that she been carrying around for a couple of weeks. She opens her laptop and searches to discover that 'bananaophia' is the new in fear.


Obama and Pelosi will explore the way of 'Fatwa' and conclude that Peace will come when people whose name that starts with 'Mc' be changed to 'Mosque'. An example would be McCarron will now be MosqueCarron'.

Christiane Amanapour has a one year contract with Disney to speed date while taking a ride on 'Small World'.

Who would dare compare the world of Islam to Nazism, who would dare compare Saddam Hussien to Adolf Hilter.

Muscular atrophy is occurring in the right index finger of people who belong to the Internet and Gaming Addicts Club.

Ahmadinejad will retire to become a yoga instructor in New Jersey and set up a Jewish dating service.

If you are a Libra your house is in opposition to Venus and your conjugation is semi-sextile. You will see 12 Zen Baboons dancing with Bambi,go searching for Lavender ice cream and become a sensual vegan and have a sexual relationship with your ear hole.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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