Monday, November 29, 2010

KOFFEE KHAT 11.28.10

Missi is on Lake in Pasadena after reading Dick Cheney's Blog and Cracked. She sat down and became comfortable with her laptop and searched out that Vietnam is prosecuting Bloggers. She asked the waitress for a "Yauco Selecto" and settled with their Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT 11.28.10

Anderson Cooper's New Year Resolution is to interview John Stossell in his bathroom.

TSA will start an airline called 'Massage Air'.

David Axelrod is still having trouble finding his runaway giraffe.

Wikileaks has discovered that Santa Claus has secretly finance all of Hollywood's right wing comedies.

If you are a Gemini, you arc of degrees is 177 with your House in Moon with Fixed Water Declining into Mutable Air causing Venus to Square with Pluto resulting in a Solar Return causing your evil robot to become a subservient chicken.

Gorgeous Gorge is piece of perk.

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