Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Missi is in L.A. on West Jefferson in a small cafe asking if they have a "Rooibos" and not sure if she sounded like she had a speech impediment decided to have the house dark. Opened up her laptop only to discover that there is injustice in the world and all of a sudden is seems to be spreading.


Wikileaks Julian Assauge threatened to expose the non-existence of the Easter Bunny if he is not given emancipation from his sexual behavior with everyone who he has had or tried to had.

Kids in the "Scared Straight" program will now have read Dick Cheney's health records.

Collective Bargaining is a non-social entity created by an Oligarchy to suppress individuals opinion into a union of non cooperative economic escapism.

Gov. Walker, the polymorphous rubberworking, whipspidered, geometric bubble blowing up his raw dawg warring bondage mastered.... well you know what I'm talking about.

If you are a Aries your Venus is in Saturn and your Sun is in Mars and your House is over the Moon so your life is an angel full of satyricon perversity.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


After readings from Billboard and Village Voice, Missi is in a cafe on W. Olympic in L.A.. She is searching the web when she orders a "Monte Cerrado" and settles for the house Latte. In her search comes upon a fact that one of every seven people in the U.S. are on Food Stamps.


Mubarak will state his plea, " I did what I did because I thought you loved me." He then will wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.

OBama will ask Mubarak to step down because there can only be one leader whose name resembles Barack and this could only lead to confusion and chaos. Mubarak will consider changing his name to McBozo.

The Chicago based Muslim Brotherhood does not like American journalist, ask Anderson Cooper who is right.

Unionized Team Mascots will Strike causing a Lockout of all Sports based on the facts that owners all have a Teddy Bear fetish.

If you are a Pisces, you are in conjunction with Venus , your emotions are brooding and your aspects are having fashion flashes with Turkey feathers.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.