Saturday, April 30, 2011


Missi is in Los Angeles on La Cienega in a Coffee House after readings from "Christian Science" and "Hollywood Reporter" and has a perplexing feeling about herself, she sits down and open her laptop to search and finds out that over 2 billion will eat peeps this year. She orders a "Chicory" and end up with a Latte.


Obama when asked how he could spend 14 Trillion dollars replied that he still can count on his fingers.

Oprah is going to retire and write a Cheez Whiz recipe book.

Couric is going to retire and become a librarian hoping to find another bush.

Will and Kate will invite other Monarchs to Party a new Brotherhood.

Trump suffers from Hirikomori.

If you are a Leo your house is missing and your Moon is sideways. You will find yourself in a Marathon Pac Man Tournament after series of readings from Tarot Cards and Fortune Cookies. Your big decision of the day will be what underwear to wear.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Missi is in Pasadena on Walnut asking if they carry a "Cuzachapa" only to be asked to repeat herself and responded that she will have an Ice Tea. She heads to a corner of the cafe and settles with her laptop and discovers that America is going to stop medical experiments on chimpanzees thanks to the 'Cheeta Foundation'.


Eliot Spitzer should be careful or he will end up being President of the United States.

Hillary should be careful or she will end up on a singing tour with Barbra Streisand.

Japan should be careful or they will start producing tadpoles.

Gaddafi should be careful or his name will change to Qaddafi or Khadafy or Gadhafi or Daffy Duck and no longer be part of Disney World.

Harry Reid should be careful or his name will change to Harry Reid and become a Warner Brothers Cartoon.

If you are a Taurus, your Moon is ascending into you Third House and Mercury is Aspecting with your body movement causing you to be an emotional incarnate with movies of forty years ago.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.