Saturday, April 30, 2011


Missi is in Los Angeles on La Cienega in a Coffee House after readings from "Christian Science" and "Hollywood Reporter" and has a perplexing feeling about herself, she sits down and open her laptop to search and finds out that over 2 billion will eat peeps this year. She orders a "Chicory" and end up with a Latte.


Obama when asked how he could spend 14 Trillion dollars replied that he still can count on his fingers.

Oprah is going to retire and write a Cheez Whiz recipe book.

Couric is going to retire and become a librarian hoping to find another bush.

Will and Kate will invite other Monarchs to Party a new Brotherhood.

Trump suffers from Hirikomori.

If you are a Leo your house is missing and your Moon is sideways. You will find yourself in a Marathon Pac Man Tournament after series of readings from Tarot Cards and Fortune Cookies. Your big decision of the day will be what underwear to wear.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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