Sunday, February 1, 2009


Missi finds herself on Broadway in Long Beach from readings of 'Cosmopolitan' and 'National Review'. The cafe has antique furniture with Persian rugs with a European atmosphere and an overall relaxed feeling. She asks the waitress if they have Doi-Chaang. The waitress responds that she is not sure but likes to experiment and gets off at noon.


Reports that Obama's white ancestors enslaved black Africans only to find out that his black ancestors , the black ancient Egyptians, enslaved Joe Lieberman's decendents. Obama refuses to apologize for the actions of his ancestors stated, " I own you all." Joe Lieberman's replies, " Reasons why I'm not a Democrat."

Nancy Pelosi continues to build political momentum thru a variety of pouts.

Al Gore will address the Hollywood powerful that the sexual energy emited by Hollywood's moonbats and tuna depletes the Ozone and melts glaciers.

A combination of beans, rice and spicy meats are causing people to lose their carbon neutral status. You should be especially careful of the El Carbon Carbon Deluxe.

If you are a Pisces, your Yang is in conflict with your Yin, your Cardinal signs are finding mutual signs in adaptable and your Sixth house is in total disregard of your Ninth house. This is a day that you should stay in bed and under the covers.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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