Saturday, January 17, 2009


Missi receives a phone call and it's Travis.
Travis is a long time friend from college days, their relationship has maintain the same sense care thru the years. Travis travel allot and has projects that take him away from the serious side of their companionship. The intriguing part of the relationship for Missi is that she can't read Travis and this for some reason gives her a sense of calm and security. He has this way of totally blocking her sensory perceptions.

M."hi Travis, anything going on."
T. " there are plenty of stories to tell".
M." and the intrigue goes on."
T. "it's for the pleasure of your company"
M." and that leaves with a thought with no conclusion."
T. " are you caught up in one of your endless solution."
M."solution ends when the illusion begins."
T." time travels with no sound , so it can come to a faster conclusion."
M." conclusion with you only comes to more confusion."
T." how's Koffee Krap"
M. " you are my most loyal reader."
T." and the souls of the faithful."
M. "I can only count so high."
T. "little theater good for you tonight."
M." sure, what did you have in mind"
T." a story about altar boys."
M."will this bring you back to the days when you drank blessed wine and lost your virginity in the Sanctuary."
T."mea cupa."
M." does the music ever stop."
M."Travis how many years have we known each other"
T." many many years."
M." and you are still an altar boy"

Travis laughs

T." I should have never confessed losing my virginity in the Sanctuary."
M."only if you confessed the deed and not the place."
T." many yeses to that."
M." there are beliefs that people don't forgive."
T." you right, there are many ways to express yourself , the clergy just could not understand that expression.
M."saying you are sorry and asking for penance was not enough."
T."they were so upset they never gave me a penance. They just wanted to know more."
M."how did you get a girl to go along with that."
T." it became an inquisition and a story never told."

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