Sunday, January 11, 2009


From a paragraph of an issue of 'Times' and a 1979's issue of 'Rolling Stone' has found herself on Foothill in Arcadia. It's an independent coffee shop not very crowded but a nice tempo of foot traffic. She has found a work area and settles with her laptop. A server comes by for an order and she asks for 'Laminitia Tarrazu'.
S. "what's a terror zoo"
Missi orders a Cappuccino.


Bush announces that 'Hindsight' will be taught in all schools.
Obama announces that he not sure what to do with Bush's 'Foresight'.

Pelosi will turn Cinco De Mayo into a National Holiday and then impeached the process when the Mexican's claim Pizza as a national product.

Paris Hilton will go to Rawanda for humanitarian reasons in search of super skinny model types to showcase with Nicole Richie.

Philosopher Freidrich Nietzsche philosophy has been translated into a diet. Eat your fears, identify the evil, consume the evil and the evil will pass to its' proper place.
A candy bar by-product of this philosophy will come out high in carbohydrates and fats and will be called 'Fear'.

The Hip Hop community is addressing Barack Obama as B-Rock. The Gansta side of the community is addressing him as

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk

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