Monday, March 30, 2009


Missi and Travis once a year hike for wildflowers, they collect, dry and mount the flowers. They have been doing this since college when they went to UCLA and took a Botany class together.
This year they decided to go to Griffith Park.

T.' Missi we should hike up to the Observatory.'
M.'That's a good idea . Your House suggest that there is a great deal of Harmony between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.'
T. 'Exactly how much harmony should I experience today.'
M.' A magical quintile between your key planets can fulfill your desires as long as you're willing to take responsibility for them.
T.' How much desire should I have.'
M.' Enough to fill your day.'
T.' Tell me then, what does Missi stand for.'
M.' I stand for many things.'
T.' How many meaning can a name have?'
M.' What do you mean.'
T. 'What's you real name.'
M.' My Mom named me "Mississippi".'
Travis looked at her in disbelief.
M. ' It's a long story.'
Travis grabbed her hand and they started their hike to the Observatory.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Missi ventured into Long Beach on 4th st. to an art cafe. The customer base was a mix of students and professionals in a laid back atmosphere. A Parisian affaire with outdoor tables and paintings from locals on the wall. Missi asks for 'Jamaican Blue'.
The waitress thought she wanted some drugs. Missi orders a Mocha.
It was a pleasant morning and she like the art work. It had a breezy feeling with comfortable couches and Internet access.


Hillary believes Republicans are not Christians and God is sitting in her seat.

Obama the advocate of change has accepted what was stupid a year ago as genius this year. What will he morph into next year?

Brittney Spears will establish a Totalitarian state somewhere between Fresno and Peru.

Colin Powell professes the value of marketing war.

The average American has more vacation time because they have three jobs to draw vacation from.

If you are a Leo you will buy a giraffe and teach it to step dance. Your love sign says you will go to a love party that will take three weeks to sober up from. The humanitarian side of you will form a organization to save children from serial celebrities.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Missi is in Redondo at a coffee house on Catalina, a comfortable setting. The bakery items seems to have more interest than coffee. Missi went to the counter and asked for 'Brazillian Santos'. The reply was shrug of the shoulders and a negative nod.
She ordered a White Moca Ice Coffee.
The coffee was more than satisfying and her senses became settled .


Dick Cheney will start a band called the 'Dickie Chicks' and tour the state prison circuit, if that is not accepted he'll change the bands name to 'Chicks with Dicks'.

Obama is thinking about changing his name to Elvis Manilow.
This is to show his determination for change.

Congress will recognize that eating the McRib as a religious experience.

Rudy Giuliani stated that the Twin Tower tattooed on his ass will stand forever, even if his ass is sagging.

George Bush claims to have started more political fires than anyone and should be given credit for Global Warming. Al Gore agreed and turned over his Nobel Laureate.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.