Saturday, March 14, 2009


Missi ventured into Long Beach on 4th st. to an art cafe. The customer base was a mix of students and professionals in a laid back atmosphere. A Parisian affaire with outdoor tables and paintings from locals on the wall. Missi asks for 'Jamaican Blue'.
The waitress thought she wanted some drugs. Missi orders a Mocha.
It was a pleasant morning and she like the art work. It had a breezy feeling with comfortable couches and Internet access.


Hillary believes Republicans are not Christians and God is sitting in her seat.

Obama the advocate of change has accepted what was stupid a year ago as genius this year. What will he morph into next year?

Brittney Spears will establish a Totalitarian state somewhere between Fresno and Peru.

Colin Powell professes the value of marketing war.

The average American has more vacation time because they have three jobs to draw vacation from.

If you are a Leo you will buy a giraffe and teach it to step dance. Your love sign says you will go to a love party that will take three weeks to sober up from. The humanitarian side of you will form a organization to save children from serial celebrities.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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