Monday, November 9, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 11.10.09

Missi is on Sixth st. in San Pedro at a long time local coffee house. She Asked if they had 'Don Pachi' and the reply that no one by that name works here, so she settled for an Italian Roast.

KOFFEE KHAT 11.10.09

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs will announce that he'll leave the White House for a position with the Cartoon Network and he will also do the voice over for Scooby-Doo.

Barbara Boxer will go cool hunting on the back of John Kerry's motorcycle looking for Republican fleshbots all the time hoping that she doesn't become a dirty dumb thing.

Kim Kardashian will have mud sex for charity and also be given the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for cylinder preservation.

Pelosi will be found on a conveyor belt of Sno Balls twittering that she going become an instructor at a circus school teaching how to hang on by your teeth.

If you are an Aries your moon is in Leo and your Sun in Gemini and you head is listening to Cat Stevens song's about Lech Walesa, watch chick fights and dream about bald bears and anorexic turkeys.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk

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