Tuesday, November 24, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 11.24.09

Missi is at a comfortable coffee house on Pico in Santa Monica. It's a bright morning and she is feeling a bubbliness in her talk. She asks if they have a 'Burnudi Kayanza Bwagi No.7'.
The reply was ' You're the second person to ask for that'.
'What' is all Missi could say.
She then ordered a milk.

KOFFEE KHAT 11.24.09

Sen. Reid is pondercating the conservative intelligence for a brown greedy interactive armchair generalist.

Obamanomics is doing the divergent dance to change the G spot to the F spot.

Pelosi is wearing a technicolor dream coat on a conveyor belt of cupcakes twittering, ' Would it be Historical if we could change the currency means of communication and have my face give it representation or maybe another addition on Mt. Rushmore'.

Hillary, Boxer, Feinstein and Pelosi will have a runoff for Stress Queen.

If you are a Gemini you are still half and half mixture of sublime frequency and always Laurel and never Hardy. Your moon is in Pisces so you will have a double date with a Barracuda and sing Popeye songs.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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