Thursday, March 18, 2010


Missi is on Reseda Blvd in Northridge in a coffeehouse store where she makes herself comfortable at a table and orders a 'Panama Robusta'. She gets the usual negative and settles for an espresso. She feels nervous this morning and hopes that she can calm down someway.


Tiger looking for a new image will change his name to Pussy Cat.......What's new...

After Obama's stay as President he will seek funding to build a college where he will be the head basketball coach . The name of the team will be the 'Obama Baraqi's'.

Pelosi will try to clone herself to emphasize the no need for men and to achieve the quest that it be all herstory instead history.

The Jewish World Review main story line will revolve around Homer Simpson.

If you are an Aries you will have the same horoscope as your pet Cockatoo who is a Pisces. A image of Jesus will appear to you in a piece of burnt toast and you will take the position of a sofa sissy for a week.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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