Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Missi has found her way to a coffee cafe on Wilshire in West LA. It's a bright place that make her want to dance on her toes, but not that bright to make her spin on them. She goes to a table and gets comfortable and opens her laptop when she is approached for an order. " I'll have the Kopi Luwak". " No one by Kopi works here." was the reply. " Then I'll have an espresso".


Facebook will take on the official euphemistic status for the act of face sucking or parts of.

Joe Biden will find the word 'Hullabaloo' offensive.

Pelosi and Friends broke San Francisco's Bank of America, the state of California and now is after the United States of America and They are 'go girl' serious.

The 2000 plus pages of Healthcare reform is causing peoples memory banks to overload making them seek healthcare to relieve the overload. A regenerative design the more you read about healthcare the more healthcare you need and if you don't read about healthcare. Well ...... Doctor...Doctor.... who's is going to pay your bill.

If you are a Capricorn your moon is at Libra and Mercury will square with Mars, your Sun is sextile with Pluto, your are in retrograde with Saturn and Neptune has entered Pisces and money will become a mutually symbolic shared illusion.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk

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