Friday, May 21, 2010


Missi charted herself to a coffee house in Leimert Park near USC after reading Vogue and a 7.12.2001 edition of Time. She asked for a 'Kona Fancy' and ended up with the House Ice Coffee. As she was searching the Web she came upon some news that a man in China was sentenced to death for an Ant Farm scheme where he made Millions.


Elena Kagan , after her approval to the Supreme Court, will start dating Barney Franks and eventually "Out" him as a closet Hetero.

Allen Specter will with a sense of Loss will search for new political ground and be saved by the
T-Party and become friends with Ralph Nader.

ACLU will continue to search for a Legal case for al-Qaeda

Conspiracy Theories will prevail of the Gulf Oil Rig Explosion, GORE. One being that is was a dispatched strike by Hugo Chavez to destroy and nationalize American Oil.

PETA will support Arizona's Immigration Laws with the knowledge that the illegals are here to support cultural Cock and Bull Fights.

If you are a Libra Mars at 18 Leo 26' went retrograde 18 Leo 42' causing your to psychoanalyse your Leo friends as being generally Wrong and find circus acts to be Profound.

Gorgeous George is a Piece of Perk.

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