Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Missi is in Los Angeles on Wilshire in a coffee bar after readings from Emirates Today and Billboard. She is settled with her laptop and orders a"Kopi Luwak" and eventually ends up with a Latte. In her searching finds that Oklahoma City is ranked 8th in sexual activity.


Muslim Liberal Arts Colleges have been ranked # 1 as the best party schools.

Preacher Terry Jones who bought a few hundred Koran to burn will now have a fire sale. He will be quoted that it was a good investment at the time and wishes the Islam faith the best with his contribution. Peace to All.

Iman Abdul Rauf will announce his new calling and become a football coach for the NY Giants and design plays around the Hail Mary.

Obama's will state that his religious spirit is right of whatever that is right. All right...

The new right will establish all grounds in a 1 mile radius of 7/11's to be hallow.

If you are a Capricorn you Sun is square with Pluto and arcing 18 degrees of Taurus. You will take up fireplug surfing and study the gender of a snowflake.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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