Saturday, October 16, 2010

KOFFEE KHAT 10.16.10

Missi after her readings from "Politico" and "People" is on Brookhurst in Anaheim. She asks for a "Malibar" and ends up with an ice tea. During her search she read that children now believe that Buzz Lightyear was the first man on the moon.

KOFFEE KHAT 10.16.10

Christine O'Donnel is will be exposed as Katie Couric lost little sister.

Lou Dobbs horse groomer and Meg Whitman maid will marry. Rick Sanchez will be minister and Jon Stewart will give away the bride . The bride and groom will both yodel "I Do".

Glacier National Park will be renamed.

It will be discovered that homophobes and Islamophobes are the same people. Islamophobia Person of the Year will go to Brigitte Bardot.

If you are a Scorpio your moon is at 23"20' with Venus in Capricorn squared to Jupiter in Aries.
You will campaign for breast feeding and Dodge Ball with your baby to become an Olympic sport.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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