Saturday, October 30, 2010

KOFFEE KHAT 10.30.10

After readings from the Christian Science Monitor and The Daily Beast, Missy found herself at a coffee cafe on Glendora in West Covina. She asks for a "Monte Cerrado" and ends up with an Ice Tea. She is searching the net when she discovers a link that has the guest and dress list of for the White House Halloween Party.

KOFFEE KHAT 10.30.10

Obama will be the Master as in the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" and will be wearing Calvin Klein's Lace Garter High Hosiery . The entire ensemble will be in purple and white. Michelle Obama will be dressed in knee length boots, a black bikini, Douglas MacArthur's Commander's Hat carrying a whip with a small patch of hair under her nose. You get the picture. Diane Sawyer will go as Walter Cronkite and will talk moustache with Michelle. Brian Williams will go as Brian Williams. Katie Couric will go as Christine O'Donnell. Christine O'Donnell will go as Katie Couric. They will both transform into Clare Boothe Luce by the end of the night. Wikileak's Julian Assange will go as Oprah. Oprah will go as someone trying to fit into Obama's pants consequently start a dance line doing the Hop. When the entire party joins the dance line Howard Hughes will descend dressed in a Loin Cloth wave at the party and fly way in his Spruce Goose.

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