Monday, March 28, 2011


After reading 'The Daily Beast' and 'The Daily Swarm', Missi is now in a Cafe on Las Tunas in San Gabriel. It's a busy morning and she is wondering what she should asked for when it is time to ask she blurts out "Cocosam" and gets a questioning look from the counter clerk and then asks if they have a Latte and gets a 'Sure'. She settles into her laptop to find out that Forrest Gump is the best film character of our time.


Obama is doing everything in his power to prove he doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

How do you spell Ka Daffy or is it Ca Daffy.

Boehner will come out in defense of higher radiation levels by claiming, "you just get a little bit more orange".

Charlie Sheen will show and tell what a Super Moon really is and speak Al-Jazeera English in Code Pink and accuse women of mass delusion.

8 year olds will demand breast enhancement from their parents to fit into their Abercombrie and Fitch bikini tops.

If you are a Capricorn your House is 37' degrees past the hour and you will become a lyrical poet effected by the dragon monster and become lost in a long vowel like a reckless lemon.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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