Thursday, March 10, 2011


Missi after reading from The Village Voice and Radar is in a coffee house on The Avenue of The Stars in Los Angeles. She has settled into a comfortable position and now is searching her laptop and found that Oklahoma leads the nation in women behind bars. She asks the waitress for a "Yellow Caturra" and settles for an Ice Coffee.


Gadhafi will try to appease the rebels with a Disney Theme Park where he will be the mascot Goofy. Diane Sawyer will be Snow White and will name the Dwarfs later because she has to find her Mother Oprah who is lost in the Forest.

Christine Amanpour is wondering what happen to the Sunday Funnies.

The Three Cent Press has reported that Kristie Alley's dancing costume will be made of cotton candy and will address herself as the 'Sugar Butch Toy".

"Have it your Way" Whoppers will go thru a Change to " We Don't Bargain Collectively" Whopper.

Dove Candies and the Three Musketeers will merge and we will soon have a chewie called,"What Happen to the King".

If you are a Sagittarius, Mars is aspecting Mercury. You will get lost in Sabian Symbols, turn into a radical sex educator and sound like a sarcastic squirrel teaching Jesuit-Buddhist mathematics.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

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