Tuesday, December 30, 2008

KOFFEE KHAT 12.30.08

Missi is on Glendora in Glendora, because of her calculations, at a coffee shop sitting at the counter when she orders 'Guatemalan Huehuetenango'.
CP. " way what".
M. "I'll have a raspberry muffin and a white chocolate mocha".
It was a clear morning and her senses seemed normal until a three hundred pound women sat next to her invading her space.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.30.08

A major expose of 2009 will be that Rev. Wright was Obama's bowling coach and captain of the "Turkey Strikers".

Michael Jackson will reinvent himself from the Diana Ross and Elizabeth Taylor show, to the Spiderman with a Blago doo Carnival. You will see him as a reoccurring character on the "Flintstones".

Rev. Warren will give his Inaugural Invocation dressed as Elvis and do his impression of Little Richard's " Good Golly God"

Obama will walk hand and hand with a naked Osama at the parade to deterrorize America.
Obama."America has had enough fear, now is the time to move on in friendship and love.
Michelle is now wandering around looking for her Bell.

Madonna will be named #1 All World Sport, anyone care to be second.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

KOFFEE KHAT 12.21.08

From a paragraph from 'Vogue' and a paragraph from 'Vanity Fair' , Missi was on Highland in Hollywood at a counter asking for 'Ethiopean Yirgachette'.
M."Ethiopean Yirgachette"
CP. "what's that"
M." I'll have your hot chocolate"
CP. "what"
'What' added up to 42, a number that represented a strong sense of order and cooperation.
The morning was still, calm with restless ambition coming from someplace.
A morning of 'that's what'.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.21.08

Liberal sexism with all it's protectionism to prevent conception has resulted in the Conservatives out breeding the Liberals, without much Liberal concern, the fun goes on.

Zorro is coming out of the closet and is going to run for the U.S. Senate, in hopes of savings us from the next Taco Bell creation.

Ailing Castro is preparing a 70 thousands word speech to explain his condition.

Shoe hurling will become the new Olympic game of 2012.

I saw Prince perform with his Aunt Jemima Dorag, pouring his sugar over his waffles, laboring in thought for what fruit to put on top.

I'm going home and hope someone comes over and licks me like a Golden Retriever.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

KOFFEE KHAT 12.12.08

Missi made her calculations and gridded herself to a coffee house on Franklin with her laptop. When she entered, she immediately felt an intense amount of energy and noticed an unusual amount of people with laptops. She looked for an area that was to her a prime vector.
The waiter came to take her order.
"do you have Sumatra Mandheling"
"no, but we have a Vietnamese Trung Nguyen."
Missi responded with a series of yeses.
Her body started feeling anxious and started a mini rocking motion. She then started to have a burning sensation in her extremities.
The waiter came with her order and asked if she was O.K.
She said yes but she wasn't.
She took a sip of her coffee and with that the anxiety and sensations increased. She put her hands under her buttocks and wrapped her legs around each other to control the rocking motion. Her body then contracted forcing her face on to her laptop, with a gasp , some panting and nasal drip all see could see was the letter "J".

KOFFEE KHAT 12.12.08

Corporate America has decided to outsource the American Government saving billions and billions. The country would be someplace in Central America and the agency would be called GOV. "G" as in George,"O" as in Oprah, "V" as in Victory. Corporate America is now owned by a small island nation somewhere close to New Zealand. Their problem is that Global Warming tides have eroded 1/3 of their land.

If you are a Aries, you will try Ben and Jerry's new 'Rat in a Trap' to avoid cat chocking trama, make sure that all sticky bits are consumed by a left to right licking motion.

Vegetable lovers are now being black listed as vegetable cannibals.

George Bush has a twin brother that lives in Afghanistan, revealing the real reason that he diverted the troops to Iraq.

Nancy Pelosi fears that the Castro District of San Fransico is going to confiscate her cosmetic cases and teeth brighteners, and that this would leave her to the foley of the gay makeover.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.