Saturday, December 20, 2008

KOFFEE KHAT 12.21.08

From a paragraph from 'Vogue' and a paragraph from 'Vanity Fair' , Missi was on Highland in Hollywood at a counter asking for 'Ethiopean Yirgachette'.
M."Ethiopean Yirgachette"
CP. "what's that"
M." I'll have your hot chocolate"
CP. "what"
'What' added up to 42, a number that represented a strong sense of order and cooperation.
The morning was still, calm with restless ambition coming from someplace.
A morning of 'that's what'.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.21.08

Liberal sexism with all it's protectionism to prevent conception has resulted in the Conservatives out breeding the Liberals, without much Liberal concern, the fun goes on.

Zorro is coming out of the closet and is going to run for the U.S. Senate, in hopes of savings us from the next Taco Bell creation.

Ailing Castro is preparing a 70 thousands word speech to explain his condition.

Shoe hurling will become the new Olympic game of 2012.

I saw Prince perform with his Aunt Jemima Dorag, pouring his sugar over his waffles, laboring in thought for what fruit to put on top.

I'm going home and hope someone comes over and licks me like a Golden Retriever.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

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