Saturday, December 24, 2011

KOFFEE KHAT 12.24.11

Missi is in Santa Monica on Broadway in a small cafe from her readings of Esquire and National Lampoon. She finds a comfortable table and opens up her laptop only to discover that Festivus still lives at and Denver's Festivus Film Festival. She asks if they have a 'Sumatra' and settles for a Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.24.11

After the end of his presidency, Obama will star in the remake 'It's A Wonderful Life'.

Newt will join the school of "Jack Kerouac's School of Disembodied Poetics".

Rick Perry will start a school on how to groom chicken feathers.

Ron Paul and his colleagues will buy handicap scooters and go to WalMarts to play bumper cars.

If you are Libra, your Moon is in Capricorn with your Quincunx aspect having nothing to do with your Sun. You will become a Yuk 'n Yum law nut selling Amish nose rings and be voted Almost Gaymost and makes Films of Naked Nerds.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

KOFFEE KHAT 12.04.11

After readings for the NY Post and Esquire has found herself in a cafe in Culver City, she opens up her laptop only to discover that they are still selling Barack toilet paper that's funky junky. She orders a 'Kalossi' and is denied and settles for a Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.04.11

Herman 'Can' Cain will disable his able so he can find his 6 to combine with his 9.

Keystone wants to build a pipeline to transport crude thru Dick Cheney's backyard and then over and under to Newt's backyard that will become lost for a few months and find it's way back to the US via Venezuela under the policy of National Security.

Cleopatra will make a comeback as Captain Dyke courting the Rain Man somewhere on the Northern Coast of Africa.

If you are a Capricorn your Moon is in Aries and and Sun in Sagittarius and you are progressing into a solar arc. You will be discovered as Gepetto who when you get away with a lie get a woody.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


Missi is in Los Angeles on La Cienega in a Coffee House after readings from "Christian Science" and "Hollywood Reporter" and has a perplexing feeling about herself, she sits down and open her laptop to search and finds out that over 2 billion will eat peeps this year. She orders a "Chicory" and end up with a Latte.


Obama when asked how he could spend 14 Trillion dollars replied that he still can count on his fingers.

Oprah is going to retire and write a Cheez Whiz recipe book.

Couric is going to retire and become a librarian hoping to find another bush.

Will and Kate will invite other Monarchs to Party a new Brotherhood.

Trump suffers from Hirikomori.

If you are a Leo your house is missing and your Moon is sideways. You will find yourself in a Marathon Pac Man Tournament after series of readings from Tarot Cards and Fortune Cookies. Your big decision of the day will be what underwear to wear.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Missi is in Pasadena on Walnut asking if they carry a "Cuzachapa" only to be asked to repeat herself and responded that she will have an Ice Tea. She heads to a corner of the cafe and settles with her laptop and discovers that America is going to stop medical experiments on chimpanzees thanks to the 'Cheeta Foundation'.


Eliot Spitzer should be careful or he will end up being President of the United States.

Hillary should be careful or she will end up on a singing tour with Barbra Streisand.

Japan should be careful or they will start producing tadpoles.

Gaddafi should be careful or his name will change to Qaddafi or Khadafy or Gadhafi or Daffy Duck and no longer be part of Disney World.

Harry Reid should be careful or his name will change to Harry Reid and become a Warner Brothers Cartoon.

If you are a Taurus, your Moon is ascending into you Third House and Mercury is Aspecting with your body movement causing you to be an emotional incarnate with movies of forty years ago.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Monday, March 28, 2011


After reading 'The Daily Beast' and 'The Daily Swarm', Missi is now in a Cafe on Las Tunas in San Gabriel. It's a busy morning and she is wondering what she should asked for when it is time to ask she blurts out "Cocosam" and gets a questioning look from the counter clerk and then asks if they have a Latte and gets a 'Sure'. She settles into her laptop to find out that Forrest Gump is the best film character of our time.


Obama is doing everything in his power to prove he doesn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

How do you spell Ka Daffy or is it Ca Daffy.

Boehner will come out in defense of higher radiation levels by claiming, "you just get a little bit more orange".

Charlie Sheen will show and tell what a Super Moon really is and speak Al-Jazeera English in Code Pink and accuse women of mass delusion.

8 year olds will demand breast enhancement from their parents to fit into their Abercombrie and Fitch bikini tops.

If you are a Capricorn your House is 37' degrees past the hour and you will become a lyrical poet effected by the dragon monster and become lost in a long vowel like a reckless lemon.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Missi after reading from The Village Voice and Radar is in a coffee house on The Avenue of The Stars in Los Angeles. She has settled into a comfortable position and now is searching her laptop and found that Oklahoma leads the nation in women behind bars. She asks the waitress for a "Yellow Caturra" and settles for an Ice Coffee.


Gadhafi will try to appease the rebels with a Disney Theme Park where he will be the mascot Goofy. Diane Sawyer will be Snow White and will name the Dwarfs later because she has to find her Mother Oprah who is lost in the Forest.

Christine Amanpour is wondering what happen to the Sunday Funnies.

The Three Cent Press has reported that Kristie Alley's dancing costume will be made of cotton candy and will address herself as the 'Sugar Butch Toy".

"Have it your Way" Whoppers will go thru a Change to " We Don't Bargain Collectively" Whopper.

Dove Candies and the Three Musketeers will merge and we will soon have a chewie called,"What Happen to the King".

If you are a Sagittarius, Mars is aspecting Mercury. You will get lost in Sabian Symbols, turn into a radical sex educator and sound like a sarcastic squirrel teaching Jesuit-Buddhist mathematics.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Missi is in L.A. on West Jefferson in a small cafe asking if they have a "Rooibos" and not sure if she sounded like she had a speech impediment decided to have the house dark. Opened up her laptop only to discover that there is injustice in the world and all of a sudden is seems to be spreading.


Wikileaks Julian Assauge threatened to expose the non-existence of the Easter Bunny if he is not given emancipation from his sexual behavior with everyone who he has had or tried to had.

Kids in the "Scared Straight" program will now have read Dick Cheney's health records.

Collective Bargaining is a non-social entity created by an Oligarchy to suppress individuals opinion into a union of non cooperative economic escapism.

Gov. Walker, the polymorphous rubberworking, whipspidered, geometric bubble blowing up his raw dawg warring bondage mastered.... well you know what I'm talking about.

If you are a Aries your Venus is in Saturn and your Sun is in Mars and your House is over the Moon so your life is an angel full of satyricon perversity.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


After readings from Billboard and Village Voice, Missi is in a cafe on W. Olympic in L.A.. She is searching the web when she orders a "Monte Cerrado" and settles for the house Latte. In her search comes upon a fact that one of every seven people in the U.S. are on Food Stamps.


Mubarak will state his plea, " I did what I did because I thought you loved me." He then will wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day.

OBama will ask Mubarak to step down because there can only be one leader whose name resembles Barack and this could only lead to confusion and chaos. Mubarak will consider changing his name to McBozo.

The Chicago based Muslim Brotherhood does not like American journalist, ask Anderson Cooper who is right.

Unionized Team Mascots will Strike causing a Lockout of all Sports based on the facts that owners all have a Teddy Bear fetish.

If you are a Pisces, you are in conjunction with Venus , your emotions are brooding and your aspects are having fashion flashes with Turkey feathers.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Missi is on Ocean Park in Santa Monica after readings from "The Jerusalem Post" and " The Asia Times" sits down in a comfortable space and asked if the have "Toraja" and with a decline settles for the house coffee. She opens her laptop and finds that Wyoming Dept. of Revenue is resending sales tax on guns because of increased animosity towards tax field agents.


Pelosi will leave as Speaker with a legacy of the perma grin and hand off the gavel to " Give me and excuse to Cry" Boehner.

Ted Williams got his wish to reincarnate but wasn't expecting to come back as a homeless black man whose throat goes deep.

HealthCare will dominate the rhetoric for the next two years without a conclusion causing Arlen Spector to come out of retirement.

"To Kill a Mockingbird and "Mein Kamp" will become required reading in Mexico's school system.

If you are a Taurus your Moon is at Pisces and Jupiter is in the 4th House causing you to Buzzflash into a Firedog and follow a General called Jesus and read Zen Comics.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.