Wednesday, December 23, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 12.22.09

Missi search herself into a coffee house in West L.A. She wasn't really comfortable with the settings or the lack of business only her and another couple. She asked for a 'Jamaican Blue'.
The girl thought it was a drug order after that was cleared settled for a Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.22.09

Obama plans to move Christmas into the new year so he can pass the Health Care Plan as scheduled.

Discovery will be made that Santa Claus has made it to the Fat Cat Club.

A new year resolution will be to resolve the complaint complaint syndrome cause by the Bangalore Call Center.

Sen. Reid because he knows baseball will compare himself to Babe Ruth. He will ask for a national holiday to commemorate paper clips and says things like 'where would we be without ball bearings'.

If you are a Pisces you will find satisfaction watching reruns of American Idol . Find yourself having to make a choice of nude photos of Queen Latifah or Eva Longoria. Working hard at distinguishing the difference between dark matter and dark energy.

Gorgeous George is a piece of perk.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 12.09.09

Missi is on Hawthorne Blvd. in Torrance in a small coffee pastry shop. It's sparse as far as comfort and her immediate feelings are to order and leave. She is tempted to not order an exotic but decides to order 'Brazilian Sweet Yellow'. The counter relies that she not familiar with 'Sweet Yellow' .... So Missi orders a Latte and a Blueberry muffin.

KOFFEE KHAT 12.09.09

Obama will ration options with a cap and then trade Nicolas Cage for Stanley McChrystal.

Bob Dylan Christmas Album has inspired the Rollings Stones to produce there own Christmas Album "Christmas on a Wild Train with Jumping Jack Flash', Featuring Cat Stevens.

The truth about Tiger Woods early morning departure will soon surface that he was going to the driving range and then drove into the fire hydrant and tree to avoid a squirrel.

If you are a Scorpio you will see yourself as a blond Zombie sitting in a sink bathing in caramel syrup, hoping to be in erotic comics as a ice cream cougar. It will be enough to frighten the devil.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 11.24.09

Missi is at a comfortable coffee house on Pico in Santa Monica. It's a bright morning and she is feeling a bubbliness in her talk. She asks if they have a 'Burnudi Kayanza Bwagi No.7'.
The reply was ' You're the second person to ask for that'.
'What' is all Missi could say.
She then ordered a milk.

KOFFEE KHAT 11.24.09

Sen. Reid is pondercating the conservative intelligence for a brown greedy interactive armchair generalist.

Obamanomics is doing the divergent dance to change the G spot to the F spot.

Pelosi is wearing a technicolor dream coat on a conveyor belt of cupcakes twittering, ' Would it be Historical if we could change the currency means of communication and have my face give it representation or maybe another addition on Mt. Rushmore'.

Hillary, Boxer, Feinstein and Pelosi will have a runoff for Stress Queen.

If you are a Gemini you are still half and half mixture of sublime frequency and always Laurel and never Hardy. Your moon is in Pisces so you will have a double date with a Barracuda and sing Popeye songs.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Monday, November 9, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 11.10.09

Missi is on Sixth st. in San Pedro at a long time local coffee house. She Asked if they had 'Don Pachi' and the reply that no one by that name works here, so she settled for an Italian Roast.

KOFFEE KHAT 11.10.09

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs will announce that he'll leave the White House for a position with the Cartoon Network and he will also do the voice over for Scooby-Doo.

Barbara Boxer will go cool hunting on the back of John Kerry's motorcycle looking for Republican fleshbots all the time hoping that she doesn't become a dirty dumb thing.

Kim Kardashian will have mud sex for charity and also be given the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for cylinder preservation.

Pelosi will be found on a conveyor belt of Sno Balls twittering that she going become an instructor at a circus school teaching how to hang on by your teeth.

If you are an Aries your moon is in Leo and your Sun in Gemini and you head is listening to Cat Stevens song's about Lech Walesa, watch chick fights and dream about bald bears and anorexic turkeys.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk

Thursday, October 29, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 10.29.09

Missi has read herself into a coffee house in Sherman Oaks on Ventura Blvd. She had a wandering moment, but soon felt comfortable. She ordered "Bugisu" and didn't get any response and then asked again only for the waiter to walk away. She sat there for a while and then opened her laptop ..... soon another waiter came by when she the ordered a milk with a muffin.

KOFFEE KHAT 10.29.09

Jay Leno is wondering if he had an affair would anyone care.

Jessica Simpson believes she deserves a Nobel Peace Prize since Obama says he doesn't.

Pelosi was found on a conveyor belt of HoHo's twittering that she will make a cameo appearance on '24' arriving by balloon.

If you are a Scorpio you'll find a way to smoke in a rain storm, then try to convince colleges that Popeye has transgendered into Jean Grey. You will dress as a poodle for Halloween.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Monday, October 12, 2009

KOFFEE KHAT 10.12.09

Missi is in Redondo Beach coffee shop looking a comfortable place to sit and open her laptop. It's a cold morning and she want to get warm asks if they have a ' Peaberry' and settles for a Latte.

KOFFEE KHAT 10.12.09

Pelosi was found on a conveyor belt of 'Ding Dongs' twittering that she really does know her place.

Obama will celebrate his winning of the Nobel Peace Prize by inviting George W. and Dick Cheney over for dinner and thank them for their polices and they will reply that he is the most fluid gay speaker in Presidential history.

Hillary will be discovered as the "Phantom Nominator" and take a vacation listening to the sound of paper falling.

If you are a Leo you will have an out body experience, followed by an inside your body experience, followed by a do you really want me to tell you about it experience.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Missi is at coffee house on Cahuenga when Matthew Fox walked in and sat down across from her ... she ordered the house special.


Bill Maher believes that 30% of America is stupid, 30% crazy and the other 40% are Realites of Billites.

Pelosi will invite Kanye West and Taylor Swift to a scratch and smell summit.

Congress will spend the next 6 months on Town Hall reform.

Obama is still in the state of stasis on the Health Care Plan, even though it's being downgraded from Death Panels to Rationed Health Care.

If you are a Scorpio you will go to the library to resolve a paper fetish , only to discover that you have a latex fetish that was caused by your moon being in the state of waxing. Astral light will present you with a volume of Jon Stewart's 2007 CD's

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Missi has searched her way to Marina Del Rey on Washington. There is allot of street action and the busy feeling is surrounding her. She moves inside for a sense of solitude only to be more activated. She asks for an 'Alto Grande' and receives a blank stare and settles for an ice coffee.


Al Franken is still doing the math on how two people from different cultures could be watching the same program at the same time. Where do wise man come from.

Is Sarah Palin coherence challenge.

Pelosi was found on a conveyor belt of Twinkies Twittering as the Laughing Liberal.

Bernanke sees the light at the end of the tunnel, then realizes that he is in a house of mirrors and he is the one holding the flash light.

Obama will go into the state of stasis over who to appoint to the Death Panel.

If you an Aries your moon is in Scorpio, your sun in Virgo and your House is on roller blades swishing thru concrete parking bumpers and you will be attracted to a thirty year old thumb sucker.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Travis and Missi are enjoying some bisque at one of their favorite Bistro's in Santa Monica.

T. Is your client still dreaming of Michelangelo.
M. He still dreams of him and they are still walking the bridges of Florence.
T. What about the darkness.
M. He still has his fears.
T. It could be the separation of light from darkness.
M. Meaning.
T. It could be a connection of Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel Panel of the separation of light from darkness. With the separation became choice of belief in the darkness or the light.
Do you believe in your dreams or your reality. A matter of responsibility for your reality or to go chase a dream at the expense of your reality. Some will always be in Never Neverland.
M. That's the darkness.
T. The eternal child that never really grows.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Missi early morning hangout for inspiration is located on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood.
It has a comfortable lounging area for lap toppers. The morning has bewilderment to it.....making everything seem curious.


Paul Abdul not getting her demands from 'Idol' is wondering why they picked her in the first place.

With the 'Cash For Clunkers' being the first success of the Obama Administration, they will start a 'Cash for Classics'. This will involve us going to Cuba and buying all their Classics at bargain price and bringing them back and selling them at a profit so that we can pay for the 'Cash for Clunkers'. Socialism can work.........see

Arlen Specter will switch religions with the fear that Islam will overtake Christianity, then explain that Judaism was really his mother's choice.

If you are a Leo.... sexual prosperity will compliment you by an ethereal slow eater.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Missi has found her way to Culver City on Venice Blvd. There is a nice room with comfortable seating ...she finds her seating and becomes comfortable. She asks for "Poco Fundo" and she could only get a look of what are you talking about ......... so she orders an ice coffee.


Fruit Loops has replaced Wheaties as the breakfast of champions.

David Axelrod has been voted the 'World's Most Average Man'.

Women with all their advances continue to penetrate man's brainwaves with high pitched sounds.

Obama will continue to give entitlements without having all the facts.

Blue eyed American will face higher taxes unless related to Nancy Pelosi.

With the passing of Walter Cronkite, Jon Stewart will become America's most trusted broadcaster.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Missi and Travis are sharing some appetizers and wine at a bistro on Santa Monica Blvd. in Beverly Hills.

T. 'How was your day.'
M. 'I have a client who think he's spirited by Michelangelo.'
T. 'Have you seen his work.'
M. 'Well... he can't draw or sculpture or paint ... absolutely no artistic skills at all.'
T. 'I don't get it.
M. 'He dreams of him all the time... a dream in Florence where he is walking with him back and forth across bridges. Michelangelo is scared that his work is going to be destroyed by the darkness.'
T. ' The darkness.'
M. 'He believes that the darkness is coming and that it will take away the beliefs of his work.'
T. 'Does he know what the darkness is going to do.'
M. ' My client believes that the darkness is an order that does not believe in the creation of Adam.
T. ' What do you skills feel.'
M. 'I feel that the darkness is very real to him and it's not a statement of enlightenment or renaissance in fact the opposite..........It makes me nervous to think about.
T. 'Darkness can be a renaissance.'
M. 'To some.'
T. ' Let me work on this and I'll get back with you.'

Monday, June 29, 2009


Missi found her way to Sun Valley on Goss. She went to a booth and opened her laptop and was feeling that it was way too early for this. She almost didn't ask for an exotic, but when the waiter came asked for a 'Kalossi' and was answered with a 'what'...... her day started to feel so much better.


Pelosi will be intellectually challenge by a fourth grader.

Gov. Stanford will come under attack by the labor unions and the Colbert Nation for outsourcing and Colbert will run for Governor of the State.

Bon Jovi's song ' Who says you can't go home' will be play at all detention centers for illegals waiting for deportation.

Obama will ask for 10 billion in research to make America hair equal.

George Bush admits the use of water boarding was as punishment not torture for those that didn't like Laura's cooking.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Missi has calculated herself to a coffeshop on 5th st in downtown LA. It is an uneasy morning for her and she is finding it uncomfortable and stressing to be up and about. She asks if they have a 'Malabar' and could only get a negative nod.
She orders an ice coffee.


Condi was spotted at a S&M convention signing up "toturees'.

Trekkies will go to war on deciding who was the best captain KIRK or PICARD. In their deliberations will turn over the chair to a Borg.

The Sexual Liberation Front will file for bankruptcy if it doesn't come up with a new sexual position in two months.

If you are an Aries you will switch from Ham radio to Fm in Defense of Swine Flu and drink so much coffee that people will rub against you to stay awake.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Missi finds herself in La Canada at a hillside coffee shop, She takes a seat with a view and opens her laptop and orders a 'Tanzanian Peaberry'. They didn't have any 'Peaberry' today. She ordered a Mocha and enjoyed the tranquil setting.


Sotomayor will express herself as a Mayan-Christian and legalize graffiti as long as it blessed with holy water.

Obama is still fist bumping his wife with the classic knuckle bump, then measuring it with a vertical fist bump followed by a double tap overhand finishing with the exploding fist expression.

All text messaging will be blamed for teenage frailties.

If you are a Leo it is understood that racism by nature is born of ignorance, your claim this week that the Irish control the media will still seem particularly uneducated.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Missi calculations has put herself at a coffee shop on Washington in Marina Del Rey. It has outside seating's tabled with fresh flowers. The morning is bright and fresh when she asks if they have any 'Haitian Bleu'. Not expecting a yes and that is what she received, so she order a Moca and settled herself comfortably.


Hillary is sure she has an overactive responsibility gene.

Pelosi will have a press conference and announce that 9.11 was a deep dark mistake and it is wrong to torture these poor oil rich people who scared the hell out of her.

The Church of Scientology will product a robot called Tom Cruise....... the robot's motherboard crashes when the users tries to update software for age appropriate dress, hair and behavior.

There are now 53 reasons not to by Crocs.

Predictions are especially difficult if they are about the future......Yogi Berra

When Mozart stood before a piano, he said to have seen not a series of black and white keys, but rather an entire symphony. If you are a Pisces something similar can be said about you and an unconscious women.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Missi is at a cafe on Wilshire in West Hollywood. She asks if they have 'Brazilian Santos'.
The reply was 'no, but they might have it at McDonalds.'


The next Supreme Court appointee will be an Alpha Black Jewish Women who is Gay and will remind you of Jamie Foxx.

Obama was spotted in the back of a Chevy pickup on a back road in Alabama standing poised with his hands on his hips, head turned to the side slightly lifted wearing his cape flapping Captain Freedom suit.

Allen Spector will take his show on the road as a stand up comic to explain his conversion to the other side and it had nothing to do with Sarah Palin's romantic rejection.

If you are a Taurus, Mercury is in retrograde and you probably live in Milwaukee and psychoanalyze your friends and family have driven all Geminis into a singular bipolar schizophrenic bisexual diverse entity of wanting for a spontaneous bar fighting family circle moment.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Missi is in Old Town Pasadena in a off Colorado cafe with a Bohemian atmosphere. It has velvety sofas and centerpiece Hookahs. She sets up her laptop and becomes comfortable before the waitress comes over for an order.
" do you have 'Rwanda Karabas'?"
The waitress replied in a manner that words were not needed for a no.
Missi ordered the house espresso.


Big cheesy ass women will make a comeback and find representation in fast food commercials.

Obama and Biden took their annual AIDS test together.

The National Knife Association lost again.

Dennis Kucinich will run for President again and offer free Pilot Licenses to illegal aliens.

If you are an Aries you will go to church sit in the back row and start singing a medley of Elvis songs starting with 'Hard Headed Women'.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Missi went to a cafe on Melrose in Hollywood for her morning convention. She sat down flipped her laptop and asked the waiter if they had a ' Kenya Blue Mountain'.
He said, 'maybe next week'.
She looked at him in a funny way and ordered a Mocha.
This was not a particularly high energy morning so she sat back and enjoyed the slow movement of others their colors were consistent and quiet. The dream patterns were still probably suppressed . What she was reading had a stop-go pattern with a soft structure and abstractly fragmented determination.


Ralph Nader will run for President in 2012 so he can be on Larry King Live.

Ellen Degeneres admits that things were more fun in the closet.

Obama will host SNL and do some Comedy OBamady to show how comically bankrupt he is.

African-Americans are still looking for political representation in Iraq........ and Afghanistan.......and Pakistan.

Hillary has gone thru a medical procedure that will give her a never ending smile. She denies that she has had surgery only that she has been politically upgraded.

If you are a Taurus you will find your moon ascending into Neptune's Third House and have a reflex response to any thumb in the upward or downward position.

Kate Kouric is a piece of perk.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Missi and Travis once a year hike for wildflowers, they collect, dry and mount the flowers. They have been doing this since college when they went to UCLA and took a Botany class together.
This year they decided to go to Griffith Park.

T.' Missi we should hike up to the Observatory.'
M.'That's a good idea . Your House suggest that there is a great deal of Harmony between Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune.'
T. 'Exactly how much harmony should I experience today.'
M.' A magical quintile between your key planets can fulfill your desires as long as you're willing to take responsibility for them.
T.' How much desire should I have.'
M.' Enough to fill your day.'
T.' Tell me then, what does Missi stand for.'
M.' I stand for many things.'
T.' How many meaning can a name have?'
M.' What do you mean.'
T. 'What's you real name.'
M.' My Mom named me "Mississippi".'
Travis looked at her in disbelief.
M. ' It's a long story.'
Travis grabbed her hand and they started their hike to the Observatory.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Missi ventured into Long Beach on 4th st. to an art cafe. The customer base was a mix of students and professionals in a laid back atmosphere. A Parisian affaire with outdoor tables and paintings from locals on the wall. Missi asks for 'Jamaican Blue'.
The waitress thought she wanted some drugs. Missi orders a Mocha.
It was a pleasant morning and she like the art work. It had a breezy feeling with comfortable couches and Internet access.


Hillary believes Republicans are not Christians and God is sitting in her seat.

Obama the advocate of change has accepted what was stupid a year ago as genius this year. What will he morph into next year?

Brittney Spears will establish a Totalitarian state somewhere between Fresno and Peru.

Colin Powell professes the value of marketing war.

The average American has more vacation time because they have three jobs to draw vacation from.

If you are a Leo you will buy a giraffe and teach it to step dance. Your love sign says you will go to a love party that will take three weeks to sober up from. The humanitarian side of you will form a organization to save children from serial celebrities.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Missi is in Redondo at a coffee house on Catalina, a comfortable setting. The bakery items seems to have more interest than coffee. Missi went to the counter and asked for 'Brazillian Santos'. The reply was shrug of the shoulders and a negative nod.
She ordered a White Moca Ice Coffee.
The coffee was more than satisfying and her senses became settled .


Dick Cheney will start a band called the 'Dickie Chicks' and tour the state prison circuit, if that is not accepted he'll change the bands name to 'Chicks with Dicks'.

Obama is thinking about changing his name to Elvis Manilow.
This is to show his determination for change.

Congress will recognize that eating the McRib as a religious experience.

Rudy Giuliani stated that the Twin Tower tattooed on his ass will stand forever, even if his ass is sagging.

George Bush claims to have started more political fires than anyone and should be given credit for Global Warming. Al Gore agreed and turned over his Nobel Laureate.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Missi is going to the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood because it is Oscar time.
Prior experiences of the collective conscience found Marilyn Monroe and Montgomery Clift running thru the halls of this Hotel
The spiritual experiences of mystics of religions find parallels in dreams, fantasies, mythologies and fairy tales and for some reason a collective energy has formed these entities to manifest themselves in these halls.
Could it be that the creative experience of Marilyn's last movie might manifest itself in the hall of the Roosevelt. The energy of Clark Gable, John Huston show their talents and wouldn't it be a treat if Arthur Miller made a movement.
Missi's interest is high and was sure that the energy would be intense. This wouldn't be a coffee mix but a possible collection of psychic inheritance. The archetype of the paranormal fantasy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Missi is headed for Manhattan Beach, a small nicely contained community in South Bay, provided by the readings from 'Newsweek' and 'People'. She arrives at a franchise type coffee house on Manhattan Beach Blvd. It has a comfortable setting with business moving at a moderate pace.
She opens up her lap-top and then asks if they have a Maui Bean. The waitress says 'no' and she orders a cappuccino. Missi sees some shops out the window that intrigues her and after her session takes a walk and shops.


Oprah, Hillary, and Obama were caught cross dressing in 1993 in Oklahoma. Could it be that Hillary is an Obama Mama and no longer Billy's Hillary or could she be both. Is Obama the cosmic love child of Bill and Hill.

Joe Biden has gone into therapy for how he could ever have such strong feelings for Obama and adamantly insist that it has nothing to so with his suppressed love for Oprah.

President Bush expects the nation to remember him as the poetic President.

Osama has been given a sex change and lives as women under the Taliban regime in Afghanistan with weekend vacations to Mexico.

If you are a Libra, you will find yourself torn between the cotton poet and the silk poet while shopping at the Banana Republic.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Missi finds herself on Broadway in Long Beach from readings of 'Cosmopolitan' and 'National Review'. The cafe has antique furniture with Persian rugs with a European atmosphere and an overall relaxed feeling. She asks the waitress if they have Doi-Chaang. The waitress responds that she is not sure but likes to experiment and gets off at noon.


Reports that Obama's white ancestors enslaved black Africans only to find out that his black ancestors , the black ancient Egyptians, enslaved Joe Lieberman's decendents. Obama refuses to apologize for the actions of his ancestors stated, " I own you all." Joe Lieberman's replies, " Reasons why I'm not a Democrat."

Nancy Pelosi continues to build political momentum thru a variety of pouts.

Al Gore will address the Hollywood powerful that the sexual energy emited by Hollywood's moonbats and tuna depletes the Ozone and melts glaciers.

A combination of beans, rice and spicy meats are causing people to lose their carbon neutral status. You should be especially careful of the El Carbon Carbon Deluxe.

If you are a Pisces, your Yang is in conflict with your Yin, your Cardinal signs are finding mutual signs in adaptable and your Sixth house is in total disregard of your Ninth house. This is a day that you should stay in bed and under the covers.

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Missi receives a phone call and it's Travis.
Travis is a long time friend from college days, their relationship has maintain the same sense care thru the years. Travis travel allot and has projects that take him away from the serious side of their companionship. The intriguing part of the relationship for Missi is that she can't read Travis and this for some reason gives her a sense of calm and security. He has this way of totally blocking her sensory perceptions.

M."hi Travis, anything going on."
T. " there are plenty of stories to tell".
M." and the intrigue goes on."
T. "it's for the pleasure of your company"
M." and that leaves with a thought with no conclusion."
T. " are you caught up in one of your endless solution."
M."solution ends when the illusion begins."
T." time travels with no sound , so it can come to a faster conclusion."
M." conclusion with you only comes to more confusion."
T." how's Koffee Krap"
M. " you are my most loyal reader."
T." and the souls of the faithful."
M. "I can only count so high."
T. "little theater good for you tonight."
M." sure, what did you have in mind"
T." a story about altar boys."
M."will this bring you back to the days when you drank blessed wine and lost your virginity in the Sanctuary."
T."mea cupa."
M." does the music ever stop."
M."Travis how many years have we known each other"
T." many many years."
M." and you are still an altar boy"

Travis laughs

T." I should have never confessed losing my virginity in the Sanctuary."
M."only if you confessed the deed and not the place."
T." many yeses to that."
M." there are beliefs that people don't forgive."
T." you right, there are many ways to express yourself , the clergy just could not understand that expression.
M."saying you are sorry and asking for penance was not enough."
T."they were so upset they never gave me a penance. They just wanted to know more."
M."how did you get a girl to go along with that."
T." it became an inquisition and a story never told."

Sunday, January 11, 2009


From a paragraph of an issue of 'Times' and a 1979's issue of 'Rolling Stone' has found herself on Foothill in Arcadia. It's an independent coffee shop not very crowded but a nice tempo of foot traffic. She has found a work area and settles with her laptop. A server comes by for an order and she asks for 'Laminitia Tarrazu'.
S. "what's a terror zoo"
Missi orders a Cappuccino.


Bush announces that 'Hindsight' will be taught in all schools.
Obama announces that he not sure what to do with Bush's 'Foresight'.

Pelosi will turn Cinco De Mayo into a National Holiday and then impeached the process when the Mexican's claim Pizza as a national product.

Paris Hilton will go to Rawanda for humanitarian reasons in search of super skinny model types to showcase with Nicole Richie.

Philosopher Freidrich Nietzsche philosophy has been translated into a diet. Eat your fears, identify the evil, consume the evil and the evil will pass to its' proper place.
A candy bar by-product of this philosophy will come out high in carbohydrates and fats and will be called 'Fear'.

The Hip Hop community is addressing Barack Obama as B-Rock. The Gansta side of the community is addressing him as

Katie Kouric is a piece of perk